Huntington's Disease- Neuro Note #3

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    For my post, I watched a video titled "Huntington's Disease: I'm taking a test that will reveal my future". In this video, a woman makes an unfathomable decision; this decision being the choice to undergo genetic testing that will reveal if she has inherited the gene that is correlated with Huntington's disease. Danielle, who this video is centered on, has watched the toll Huntingdon's has taken on her mother over the course of the last 18 years. Danielle has stood by her mother as she lost her ability to function independently, and has altered her own life to provide the best care for her mom. By the end of the video, it is revealed that Danielle does in fact carry the gene that indicates Huntington's disease, and she now must navigate what a new 'normal' will look like for her and her husband going forward. 

    I choose this resource because after learning about Huntington's Disease in class, I wanted to know more about what this diagnosis would be like not only for the client but also for their family members and loved ones. As a future occupational therapist, I believe it is essential that I work to educate the client's family or caregiver on the best ways to care for the client; while also helping them learn how to cope with a diagnosis such as Huntington's and what it will mean for them long term. This video was a very insightful means for me to see firsthand how a neurodegenerative diagnosis can drastically change every aspect of one's life and was a useful way to apply the knowledge I have learned in lecture to real-life scenario. From this, I realized that as an OT I can't fix or heal one from this disease, but I can use my skills to help the family adapt their roles, habits, and routines in a way that is meaningful to them. Unique to OT, I could also use my position to simply be someone the client or family can talk to about their struggles, challenges, and thoughts they are facing as they go through the different stages of their lives; which can be just as meaningful as other interventions. Even though this video showed the harsh realities of Huntington's Disease, I do recommend this resource as a way to glimpse into what life could potentially be like for a future client and as a way to adjust your mindset to be able to provide the best care for these families. 

BBC. (2020, February 1). Huntington’s disease: I’m taking a test that will reveal my future. BBC News. 


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